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You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports.

We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version is released, we begin supporting that version and stop supporting the third most recent version.

Supported Browsers

Chrome for Business
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Apple Safari
Apple Safari

Internet Explorer 9 Users Internet Explorer 11 launched on October 17, 2013, and as a result, we've discontinued support for Internet Explorer 9.

Organizations that depend on old versions of Internet Explorer may want to consider a dual browser strategy.


I. Search by Name: last, “space” first middle. There may be many variations of a person’s name in the system (e.g. John Smith, Jon Smith, and John B. Smith).

To produce the best results, a “Wildcard” search is recommended. Enter a minimum of three characters followed by an asterisk * for the Last Name, followed by a comma and a minimum of one character followed by an asterisk * for the First Name (e.g. for John Smith – enter Smith, J* or Smi*, J*).

II. Search by Case Number: Include the case type prefix with the case no. Case no. examples: PE20180001, PG20180001, PT20180001, PM20180001. Probate cases filed before 2016 start with PE000…, PG000…, etc.

III. Search by Date Range: Include the case type prefix with the year followed by an asterisk *. For example: PE2023*, PG2023*, etc. Choose Advanced Filtering Options. Within the Case Search Criteria box choose a filter Start and End Date.

Probate searchable cases include: PE - Estates, PG - Guardianships, PT- Trusts, PC - Civil Cases, PM - Miscellaneous Cases including Name Changes and Registration/Correction of Birth, PR - Marriage Licenses.

Images are available on case filings 10.02.2023 to current date. If an image prior to that date is necessary, please contact the Court at